Thursday, July 09, 2009

Ucapan Prematur

Sudah banyak orang maupun instansi yang memberi ucapan selamat kepada pasangan SBY-Boediono. Bahkan tidak sampai di situ saja, secara terang - terangan lewat spanduk di jalan. Meskipun rekapitulasi suara oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) belum usai. Tidak menyurutkan niatan untuk mengucapkan ucapan selamat. Sebuah bentuk apresiasi ataukah hanya karena ada kepentingan.
Dalam spanduk tersebut, ucapan yang muncul bukan sebagai pemenang quick count, melainkan pemenang pilpres 2009-2014. Apakah ini bentuk euforia ataukah emosi karena awalnya SBY seolah didzolimi dalam kampanyenya.

Believe, you can!

Recently I think I walk alone. My brothers, sisters, friends and all of them not understanding with my conditions. Actually I want to ask help to my friends, but the fact they can't to help. So, I face my problems lonely. My minor thesis must finish this semester, that’s my hope. But, soft skill to solve minor thesis must be understand if finishing quick. If the condition like that, I don't hopeless to face that. I'm confident to finishing my minor thesis this semester. I believe I can do it. Wish me luck...
In Islamic Association of Students needs service too. Although I'm alone today, moreover as top leader in here. One again I be constant to face that…I believe I can do it. Wish me luck…
If I discuss with my friends, the topic is about love always. So I hope can follow my prophet Muhammad SAW to have girl friend, one of step to go marriage. But today I'm not yet have a couple to lead the life. Step by step to concern to get that’s. Like song of Wali band, "cari jodoh". Whoever can propose to be my couple and me too, propose myself to look for couple. I believe I can, and wish me luck...

God willing, Allah will bless me to solve my problems. I believe that…..